Future Leaders Incubator: How Awo launched her start-up in less than two months

Over the past two months Bene Agere has hosted and supported the young entrepreneur Awo Abdulqadir while she has build and launched her start-up named DAQANI.

During her studies Awo specialized in trends and emotional and cultural intelligence. Her start-up DAQANI is a consulting agency focused on supporting companies in building a multicultural strategy in order to expand their reach and growth and become more inclusive. During the programme, Awo has launched her company DAQANI and is already working on her first client project with two of her team memebers.

The Future Leaders program has a mission to shake up the boardrooms of tomorrow

Women, ethnic minorities and people from low-income backgrounds are still massively underrepresented at senior levels in business. The Future leaders program seeks out young people from these communities who show an appetite for entrepreneurship and potential as future business leaders and give them the skills, network and support they need to be successful.

Bene Agere is one of five companies from The Panoply hosting entrepreneurs as part of the Future Leaders Incubator. The program was launched for the first time in October 2019 and kicked off with a three-day induction in London where the five participants got to know each other a little better and set their goals for the programme. The young leaders then returned to their host office where they would be based for the remainder of the incubator. Throughout the programme the participants have received an allowance to buy time to focus on their project, participated in weekly professional development workshops to hone their skills as entrepreneurs and received guidance from a dedicated 1:1 career coach on a weekly basis.

In less than 2 months Awo has successfully launched her company DAQANI

“I think there’s immense need for a program like this if the boardrooms of tomorrow are ever going to change. I can only speak for women with my background, and I know for certain that this program would help so many of them just like it helped me.”

– Awo Abdulqadir, CEO and founder of DAQANI

Awo Abdulqadir is the CEO & Founder of DAQANI and is one of 5 Future Leaders participating in the programme. Awo is a second-generation immigrant, Somali born, Norwegian raised and residing. She has a BA (Hons) in Advertising and brand communications. At the age of 21 she launched her freelance career within design and marketing, she also became an active voice participating in the culture and diversity debate in Norway. One of the reasons Awo applied for the program was because she wanted structure.

“l’ve always had crazy ideas but I never realized any of them because of my lack for structure. The support I have received throughout the programme has helped me grow into a more secure and structured person.”

– Awo Abdulqadir, CEO and founder of DAQANI

In December, this years’s incubators will conclude with the 5 leaders gathering in London. Awo will continue her journey as founder of DAQANI.

“We have enjoyed getting to now Awo and her business idea, and I hope this experience has given Awo confidence and guidance she needs to continue her journey as a young entrepreneur and leader of DAQANI”.

– Lars Christian Torhaug, Managing Partner Bene Agere




